2024 Retail Trend Predictions

Much like the marketing trend predictions last week, retail in 2024 is projected to look slightly different. In this blog post, we will explore the changes you can expect in the next year.


Sustainability has been a huge aspect of marketing for the last few years, and that will likely continue into 2024. There will likely be a larger emphasis placed on recycled and eco-friendly materials and less waste, so look out for reusable products made sustainably next year, like recycled backpacks or reusable water bottles.

Online Shopping

Another current trend that will continue into next year is online shopping. ECommerce retail is expected to grow by almost $3 trillion from 2021-2026, so make sure your website is user-friendly and optimized to answer any consumer questions to stay ahead of this trend.


Research found that customers often care more about the service they receive more than a low price point, so focus on making their shopping experience as smooth and convenient as possible. Part of this could include personalization, as mentioned in last week’s post, but also with high-quality virtual and in-store support and genuine interactions.

Human Interaction

A focus on human connection and interaction has changed simultaneously with the emergence of AI in retail. Though consumers know that AI will become a large feature of the retail experience, research shows that they value speaking with an actual human and human customer service over anything else. To stay ahead of this, try not to move too quickly in replacing people with AI and instead find more ways to interact directly with the consumer, both online and in store.

Final Thoughts

Retail trends for 2024, while not shocking, demonstrate how consumers are changing in their wants and needs while shopping. Staying aware and ahead of these trends will set you up for success in the new year.






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