Filed under ANC Headphones

Technology Advancing DEI in Higher Education

Technology Advancing DEI in Higher Education

Since 2020 and the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has seen an increase of use in higher education spaces to support students in remote learning. This has sparked a conversation of the role of technology in education spaces and how to forward diversity, equity, and inclusion with it.

An obvious benefit of education technology is improved accessibility, both in making learning less location-dependent and in helping students with learning difficulties or disabilities. Here are some ways technology has been advancing DEI in higher education: Continue reading

Tech Talk: ANC Headphones Explained

Tech Talk: ANC Headphones Explained

Has outside noise ever ruined a good jam session? Your students probably know this problem well. Whether students are listening to music to drown out noises while studying or trying to get into a good workout, ANC headphones are what they need. What are ANC headphones? ANC (active noise canceling) headphones are headphones that block … Continue reading