Products for Student Relaxation

Promote student relaxation and improved mental health with these awesome products.


Music can help manage stress and enhance student relaxation, and speakers are a great way for students to set the tone in their own spaces, but also bring good vibes with them while hanging out with friends.

Shop speakers here.

Pickleball Starter Sets

Pickleball is the new sport of the summer and a great way to boost endorphins and mitigate stress for students. With Fila’s Pickleball Starter Set, students are equipped with two paddles and pickleballs – everything they need to get their game on.

Shop the Fila Pickleball Starter Set here.

Twinkly Lights

Things as innocuous as florescent lighting in dorms can contribute to high stress levels. With Twinkly lights, students can personalize their lighting and make their rooms warmer, also resulting in lower stress levels.

Shop Twinkly lights here.

Carpe Diem Journals

Journaling can help reduce intrusive negative thoughts, improve working memory, and decrease stress. Carpe Diem journals come with many different covers, so students can pick one that matches their vibes.

Shop Carpe Diem Journals here.


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