LGBTQ+ Inclusivity and Awareness

Happy Pride Month! The LGBTQ+ community has continued to grow in recent years, increasing from 5.6% of American adults in 2020 to 7.6 in 2024. More than 1 out of every 5 Gen Z’ers aged 18 to 26 identify as LGBTQ+. As this population continues to grow, here are some steps you can take to honor and celebrate Pride Month in your store:

Educate Yourself on LGBTQ+ History

From the Lavender Scare in the 1950s to Stonewall Riots in 1969 to the reversal of workplace protection for trans people in 2017, the LGBTQ+ community has been fighting for equality in the United States for decades. Educating yourself and your workplace on the history of this community is incredibly important to build empathy and shed light on the struggles they have faced, and will result in a more inclusive workplace.

Uplift LGBTQ+ Work

Metaphorically supporting the LGBTQ+ community can also look the same as physically supporting them. Stay tuned for books, movies, and more this month from LGBTQ+ artists and authors.

Use Inclusive Language

Words matter, so using inclusive language in the workplace is a great way to show employees and customers you care. Being respectful of pronouns and preferred names goes a long way in creating a welcoming environment in your store.

Go Beyond Flags and Rainbows

While decking your store out in Pride flags and rainbows makes the environment physically welcoming, do the work internally to make sure your employees and customers know your support isn’t temporary. Host events, discussions, or informational sessions to prioritize LGBTQ+ perspectives and create partnerships with allied organizations to take your support beyond just this month.

Final Thoughts

This Pride Month, take steps to ensure that your store is inclusive and welcoming for your entire campus community.


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