9 Social Media Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Have you tried utilizing social media to increase your business but haven’t been successful? Here are 9 reasons why you might not have gotten the results you wanted from social media and how to fix them.

Not having a social media marketing plan

“Just wining it” is not a good social media strategy. If you don’t have a social media marketing plan, you’ll get lost in the dark. The first step is to write down your goals. Then research a good strategy for each social media platform so you understand what viewers are expecting.

Not having goals

Write down very detailed goals and when you want to achieve them. This will help keep you on track and accountable.

Still spamming

Spamming people won’t increase your customer base. Instead, know what your customers want and don’t over post on social media. If your followers are only seeing content from you on their newsfeed, they will get annoyed and unfollow you.

Always being right

Be open to suggestions and research best practices for social media. Everyone can use a little guidance even if you’ve been managing social media platforms for a long time.

Not knowing how to sell is a bad social media marketing strategy

If you want to see larger sales, you must learn how to sell. Make sure you are also trying out the products and share your experience with customers. Your customers will love a good story.

Fake it till you make it

Faking it is one of the biggest reasons marketers fail. Instead, show value or share stories. Customers love to hear other people’s experiences. Once people get to know you, they will trust you more.

Not checking their analytics

Checking your analytics ensures you’re posting what your followers want. If you have a post that performed well, try posting something similar. Also pay attention to what didn’t perform well so you can learn from this.

Not being consistent with their social media posts

Instead of posting randomly, make sure you post on the same day each week around the same time. Having a content calendar can help with this. Also make sure to utilize scheduling assistants so you don’t have to worry about posting in real time.

Using the same content format

If you are only using text posts, your audience will get bored real quick. Spice up your page by adding in videos, memes, emojis, or jokes. Give your brand a personality so your viewers don’t get bored.

Source: Big Income Paradise

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