Stocking Tips for Back-to-School

As the new academic year draws near, an influx of students are seeking textbooks, supplies, and university-branded merchandise. Proper stocking is crucial to ensure that the bookstore can cater to students’ needs and provide a seamless shopping experience.

Look at Data from Previous Years

When stocking new products, looking back is just as important as looking forward. By highlighting items that were or were not popular in the past, you can make informed decisions about what to purchase moving forward to not make the same errors twice.

Don’t Be Afraid To Try Something New

However, a balance of old and new is needed to avoid looking boring. Trying new ideas on a monthly basis keeps things fresh and gives customers a reason to return!

Plan for Seasonal and Special Events

Consider the various seasonal and special events that may influence demand during the school year, such as orientation week, homecoming, and graduation, as these often require specialized merchandise. By planning ahead and stocking up on event-specific items, you can maximize sales opportunities and create a vibrant campus atmosphere.

Capitalize on Cross-Selling

Encourage more significant purchases by offering bundled packages that combine essential items, and place these items near each other when stocking. For example, you can create bundles that include textbooks, notebooks, and stationery for specific courses. Implement similar bundling options on your e-commerce platform to cater to both in-store and online shoppers.

Stock Strategically

Using strategy when stocking is important – examples of this are placing impulse purchases near the check-out areas and putting featured or popular items directly in the front of the store, making them easy for the customer to see.

Final Thoughts

Stocking for the new school year can be overwhelming, but with these tips, your store is sure to see more sales. By balancing old and new ideas, cross-selling products, and planning for seasonal events, your store is set up for stocking success!


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