National Wellness Month: Encouraging Student Well-Being

Between classes, exams, assignments, and maintaining a social life, its not surprising that many college students put their own personal wellness as a low priority. Ignoring their well-being has consequences, however, and eventually most students reach a breaking point. Making wellness a priority doesn’t have to be a burden to college students, they just need to know practical ways they can take care of themselves. Your college bookstore has an opportunity to carry products and educate students on ways they can focus on their own wellness. Here are some ideas to help students ensure they stay healthy throughout the semester.

Encourage Health

The “freshman 15” is often a reality for many college students due to poor diet choices, lack of exercise, stress eating, and more. One way you can encourage healthy eating is to carry healthy snack options for students to keep around instead of them gravitating towards chips and sugary snacks. Consider stocking up on Wenzel’s beef sticks or jerky. Wenzel’s guarantees no fillers, binder, extenders, artificial colors, or flavors and is certified gluten free. Perfect for quick protein for the energy boost college students need.

Hydration is extremely important for everyone, and especially busy college students. Consider stocking up on some Takeya water bottles. These high-quality, reusable water bottles are perfect for students who are eco-conscious and makes drinking water fun.

College campuses can be a great place for germs, with close living quarters, large groups of people, and many public spaces. Sanitization is a great way for students to ward of illnesses, especially the flu which effects around 1 in 4 college students each year. Check out easy sanitation items to carry in your store.

Encourage Fitness

Fitness is a great way to stay healthy and relieve stress for college students. Exercise doesn’t have to be boring either! Many college students simply need to find an activity that speaks to them and can become a fun hoppy. Some college students love skateboarding for the fun, exercise, and easy travel. Globe carries a variety of unique skateboards to fit every student’s style.

For other students, they may discover swimming as a fun and healthy activity. Many universities have competitive swimming, but leisure swimming is also healthy as well. Consider carrying a few accessories for the avid swimmers on your campus.

Running is another fitness activity with many health benefits as well as being a stress-reliever. With busy college schedules, many students may only have the time to run at night, making it important that you carry safety accessories for night running.

Encourage Self Care

Self-care is another often neglected but extremely important area of wellness for college students. With many hours spent hunched at desks, tables, and computers, students can find a great deal of relief with back stretching devices from Trakk and this can be a great form of self-care!

Getting massage is an amazing form of relaxation, self-care, and stretch relief…however most college students may not have the time or funds to get a professional massage. Fortunately, Trakk offers several tools they can buy to give themselves a massage in the comfort of their dorm. From neck pillow massagers, back massage pillows, and professional deep muscle massage guns, students can choose what level of muscle relief they need.

We’ve previously covered on the blog the benefits of yoga for self-care, health, stress relief, and mental health. Carrying yoga supplies in your store is a great way to encourage this beneficial activity in college students. Gaiam and Oak and Reed offer beautiful yoga mats to fit different students’ styles. Trakk also offers a variety of yoga accessories students may enjoy as they get into this activity.

Entertainment can also be a form of self-care, but even better than binging Netflix is entertainment that encourages community! Games and playing cards are a great way for college students to make friends, have fun, and wind down after long weeks.

We’ve previously discussed on the blog the benefits of art for self-care, stress relief, and mental health. Consider carrying art and craft supplies so your students can indulge in self-expression, creativity, and art therapy.

How is your store committed to encouraging student wellness this year? Let us know in the comments!

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