Sustainability and Consumer Trends

Consumer trends play a big role in the way you run your store. Sustainability is a major consumer trend that stores cannot ignore. Check out these consumer statistics and some tips on how to have your store go green.

Sustainability Growing in Popularity

Environmental sustainability has become a mainstream issue within recent years, with the COVID-19 pandemic heightening many people’s awareness. A 2022 survey had over half of respondents saying that sustainability was more important to them than a year previously. The survey also showed that consumers are more interested in supporting businesses with eco-friendly practices or ones that carry sustainable products. In fact, half of consumers will pay significantly more for products labeled as sustainable or socially responsible.

Benefit to Carrying Sustainable Products

As a college store, your primary customer base is highly motivated by sustainability and social causes. Carrying sustainable products not only is better for the planet, but also appeals to consumers who want to be conscious of the impact of their purchases.

How Many Consumers Desire Sustainability?

In 2022, consumers who purposely choose products and brands based on how they align with their values accounted for 44% of consumers across all product categories. Additionally, the same study found that on average, 3 in 5 consumers (64%) say environmentally sustainable and socially responsible products make up at least half of their last purchase.

Tips to Make Your Store Greener:

Going green is a process, and it is okay to take it one step at a time instead of trying to tackle every goal at once. Pick one positive change each month and start gradually making changes. Here are some practical ideas you can implement:

  • Replace light bulbs with energy efficient lighting.
  • Reduce paper waste in restrooms with energy efficient hand dryers.
  • Switch to a green web hosting service.
  • Use recyclable or compostable materials when possible.
  • Make energy efficient upgrades to reduce energy consumption.
  • Order sustainable products to sell to students (Get a shopping list HERE).
  • Conduct an energy audit to see where your store’s energy usage can be cut back.
  • Review daily activities to see where you can reduce waste or use sustainable materials.

What steps have you taken towards becoming more sustainable? Let us know in the comments.


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